Friday, September 11, 2009

Things Every Mom Should Know (or, What I have Learned From Motherhood So Far)

I found most of these in a parenting magazine. I thought that they were really good.

1. Do household chores while the kids are awake. Using up naptime to clean the bathroom or wash the dishes is truly soul-crushing.

2. Embrace your children's quirks.

3. Put Band-Aids on everything your kids want to...why not?

4. Lay with your kids in bed if they ask. It will be too soon before they stop asking.

5. Don't forget to play board games with your kids...sure you will have to suffer through Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, but Connect Four and Disney Scene It are actually pretty fun. And who can resist a good game of Jenga?

6. Find out all about stuff that your kids are interested in, even if it doesn't interest you. Then, when they talk about it, listen intently, and have intelligent things to say about it.

7. A trip through the washing machine and a run under the iron can work wonders on DI clothes.

8. Try to like the books that they do. It sucks when it's "Bob the Builder", but is awesome when it is Harry Potter, or Lemony Snicket.

9. Buy kids deodorant before they need it.

10. Don't administer a punishment that hurts you more than it does them.

11. Make sure you know how your kids like their burgers and eggs cooked. This will save so much time when ordering at the diner.

12. Expose your kids to a variety of foods early and often. You will squash pickiness early.

13. You're never too old to dress up and decorate for Halloween. It is more fun for everyone if you are in to it...and it also entitles you to some candy. :)

14. Give awards for actual achievements.

15. Just throw away the poopy underwear.

16. Read to your kids in the morning at breakfast. Also use this time to practice spelling words. (Then check two things off of your To-do list).

17. Eat somewhere nice(er) instead of a fast food place, and order one entree for you and your kids and split it. This will save you money, and is not as gross.

18. Independence is a wonderful thing for everyone...and so is together time. Make sure you have a healthy dose of both.

19. Volunteer in your child's classroom. You can help the teacher, as well as observe how your child interacts with the other children in the class.

20. Teach your children healthy eating habits, and then don't beat yourself up when you have Cold Cereal occasionally for dinner.

21. It is OK to have your own hobbies.

22. Don't compare your kids to others. Just love and embrace the child that they are.

23. Expose your children to different races, religions, and ideas than your own. (Especially if you life in a community that is filled with people who all look and act the same as you.)

24. Don't compare yourself to other moms either.

25. Love every day with your kids. Don't pine for their infanthood, or babyhood too much, or your run the risk of missing their childhood. Find joy in every stage they go through.

26. Motherhood makes you a crazy person. Accept it and move on.


The Munkies said...

What if your kids eat an entree and an appetizer in one seating???

Amy said...

I am going to print this and hang it on my fridge!

Jess said...

Good advice, thanks Dena.