Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reading with children

As most of you are aware, I am a pretty voracious reader, and have been for the majority of my life. I have been excited to try and pass this on to my children and have therefore been waking my 1st grader up earlier than in needed so that I can read to him. He was really not into it at first, but as we have gotten more into the story, he is becomming more and more excited--even giving up his Nintendo time occasionally to have the story read to him. The story that we have been reading is the Harry Potter series. I know that there are those out there who are critics of JK Rowling's work, but I felt that the series was incredible, and I appreciate her providing me with this oppurtunity to bond with my son. The series has opened up a new world to him, and has helped me to share something that is improtant to me. I look forward to each morning's read as does he and am glad that we are sharing this.

My daughter has decided that when she starts kindergarten, she should be able to choose her own story to have read to her. What book does she want you ask? She is calling it "Jean Valjean Book". I'm not sure that Les Miserables is quite suited for a five year old, but what can you do?


CAF said...

Reading rox!! I think it's prolly one of the best things a parent can do for a kid.